David Peck Get In Touch

Get In Touch

A bespoke site builder

A multi-national needed a single CMS that they could use to host 100s of their website

We not only needed to create a verstile website template that could be rolled out dozens of times to create new websites. We also needed to create a workflow that allowed 3rd party developers to style and extend the website of each global brand belonging to the client. We had to push Umbraco to it’s limits and create a workflow that allowed for extension while protecting existing websites.

  • Umbraco
  • uSync
  • AWS
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • Azure DevOps

Unfortunately an NDA prevents me from describing more details.
It's frustrating but I stick to my word.

Hi, I’m David.
Nice to meet you!

I’ve been a professional web developer for 22 years, and I'm passionate about great design, great code, and modern techniques

I firmly believe in finding simpliest tool for the job, and not over complicating. My primary skill sets are solution design, and ASP.NET and JavaScript development, but I've got a truck load of experience in other technologies such as CMS, e-commerce, cloud hosting (AWS & Azure), SQL and No-SQL databases, and of course much more.

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